Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Remember that time....

i decided to thieve a beth idea that you stole from someone else and ask people if that had "remember that time's" with me. if i dont remember it, i'm sure will does. iiiiiiiiii remember it! iiiiiiiii remember it! Do you?

note- send memories or whether you want your weight to go up or down, it will do the opposite until you send one.


Jean said...

Okay...my memories of you...I have a lot but I remember one that stands out in my mind at the moment..I was visiting your family and we went out to eat at a restaurant. Just as we sat down to order, you threw up all over the table. We got up to leave and your dad went to the waitress and said we were leaving because you threw up and we just decided to eat that for dinner...GROSS!!! It was funny at time and by the time we got home you were fine and ready to eat!!! I think we ended up eating sandwiches at your house...oh well!!

kim e said...

I think some of my favorite memories are those late nights when you were a little 2 1/2 yr. old who didn't require much sleep. All your siblings would be asleep and you and I would wait up on your Dad to get home from the store. You were good company! Also how you loved to lay on your top bunk ( you had so much energy) and watch the baseball games on that little TV until you fell asleep. Also how excited you and Jared got that year Santa brought a whole box of baseball cards.
( Maybe at least one of them will be worth something one day!)

Beth & Rob Bailey said...

oh my - I thought I'd die laughing reading your memories of me with your funny comments.
OK - I remember you running through the den pretending to be a motorcycle for charades in FHE and I remember you running through the house yelling "Pooticahtos!" and I remember you and Jared stealing my journal one Sunday and reading it and Dad's consequence for you was to miss the first Red Fox home game (which seemed so perfect a punishment b/c you never did that again), and I remember trying to give you and Jared "homework" and make you play school with me - and more recently I remember you sharing your cereal and popsicles with Seth (who told the bug man the other day to call him "Spoo" - haha) and I remember Rob and Jared going to 'steal' you from Hartsville right after you got home from your mission just so you could stay here in columbia (and sleep on the floor b/c we were SO out of room)...and mostly I remember the year that you lived with us. I enjoyed that time before your mission where me and Rob really got to know you and hang out with you so much.

Libbi said...

Oh Jakester...so many memories that I am about to cry...I really really miss those days when y'all were all so little. My WORST memory is when you came to stay at my house and we went swimming and played putt putt and I was EXHAUSTED and just as I was falling asleep, you called out to me that your leg hurt and I told you to come to me and you said, "I can't walk" and I thought you were being dramatic and I told you to just crawl to me...and my heart broke when you came crawling into my room and I realized that you couldn't walk...I STILL feel sick about that! and I called your mom and took you home and you had to go the hospital and was on crutches...I hope you've forgiven me for being so lazy and heartless!!!
I remember you and Daddy Tom going to the Clemson games and y'all stopping by Columbia to get Peter and how much Peter loved being with you. I remember your infectious grin and your endless energy and what a great baseball player you were...and I remember the day you were born...Ninna and I came from Summerton to get Beth and Jared and we barely got back when your Dad called and said you were here...and you were the scrawniest little baby I had ever seen...I was two months pregnant with Peter and LaNelle was about 6 months old and I was so happy you were in the middle of them because I wanted a family with lots of cousins who were close to each other...and I remember worrying about you when you were on your mission and praying for you every single day and I remember seeing you cry and cry when Will left and being so touched that you had such a tender heart for your brother. and I remember so much more...

Jean said...

Okay, Jacob...I sent you a memory but my weight has not gone down...maybe I need to stop eating as well..hahaha! I loved the "butt" shot you took of your mom while bowling...she is never gonna let you forget that...they were all cute! Time to update your blog!!!

Beth & Rob Bailey said...

alright jacob...time for a new posting -- yes i know school and work and the ladies keep you busy...just post a picture then...you could post one of you at work or you doing homework (oh wait - i forgot your motto "don't do it") haha...what's up in your life right now (we never hear from you)