Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Reader's Response

It has come to my attention that for some reason, people accept things for what they are, deal with it, and modify life to fit its surroundings and find the most acceptable solution to appease them. Sadly, i'm included in this group of people at times. Allow me to illustrate such a phenomena going on right now with gas. Back in my day (pretend the beard on my face is white instead of an auburn color) I remember when gas was under a dollar for a gallon, I remember when I had five dollars and new I could get all the way to columbia in my little tercel. I also remember saying to myself, so gas is going up a little bit, no big deal, even if they go up ten cents here or there, it's a couple of dollars a fill up more, who can't handle a couple of dollars a fill up more? Then out of nowhere I come home from a third-world country and to my surprise, it's turned into a couple of dollars a gallon more! How does this happen? Now Exxon Mobile and alike Misers of this world's companies receive as much from me a month as the Lord, at times more! That ain't right! And that won't ever be right! Why hasn't America opened up bus lines everywhere for all humans in all social classes like the rest of the planet, why haven't all of us put down keys and started walkin?! I'll tell you why, yes I'll tell you. It's because we've all modified our lifestyles to meet the demands of ridiculous, unfair, dishonest, (and the list of offensive verbs could continue) men and women who allow their pockets to fill with hard-earned money (our hard-earned money), because we modified for a handful of unwilling humans. I understand that changing anything is almost impossible, that's why I'm the 'why' not the 'how to' in this out-pouring of emotion. I have an idea of a solution, but I'm just putting it out there, maybe you'll have a solution. Who knows. But keep in mind, we modified for something we don't support. On to the next problem, this one will more than likely turn some heads. Political candidates. Yes, they really are that bad. They are next to gas, oh wait- half of them are the gas sharks. Anyway, when I look at McCain I almost think Democrat, he just doesn't look like a republican, to be honest, he almost doesn't look human given the fact he's 3,000 years old, maybe he's a ghost. Back on track, I studied this ghostly creature closely as the primary began and he seemed to act heavily antagonistic against Mitt Romney, personally, I wanted Mitt to win. I don't want you to confuse him as an opponent, no. This man was a predator. Pardon me, is a predator. He acted as the antagonist to Romney, so naturally I opposed that man who's so old he likely has a social security number of 000-00-0001, I'll go as far to say he may be old enough to prove the New Testament true! Heavens! He may have been one of the 5,000 people who witnessed our Lord's great miracle. Anyway, enough McCain smack, I don't want to give Obama any more ideas who already tossed tough one's at McCain's only bright idea, his running mate. And there's no time to roast on Obama, but to sum it up, he and McCain live on the same floor in my imaginary hall of "really America, tell me this isn't the best you can do." Ok enough of all that, back on track to my point. The point is, thousands of republican enthusiasts/supporters during the primary race, prior to the finalization of McCain's storming walk (with a cain, walker, oxygen or wheelchair) to the whitehouse, were completely against, the dreaded awful McCain---but oh! Out of nowhere, the sky has come out and low and behold, He's our man! Give me a break, I don't care if he's all you've got, please. Seriously. Really?! Good Grief. Once again, several republicans modified their own opinions, to somehow fit into their idea of a good situation. Well, I didn't get all modified, I still think he's a coward and will do anything to please anyone that will in the end: please him. That ain't right! However, his stunningly charming, successful, and beautiful running mate made me start to wonder, should I vote for satan, to inherit this sweet goodness? Nice try lucifer, not gonna happen. Anyway, my point to all this jibber jabber is this: WE TOO OFTEN MODIFY OUR LIVES TO APPEASE OUR TRADITIONAL WAY OF CARRYING OUT LIFE. I quit. No more modify. There's gotta be another way. What do you think?


kim e said...

Oh, Jacob I see you did need to blow off some inner frustration. I will have to say, we are taught that we must choose the best from what we have been given. America will survive this crazy election somehow. We have to stick up for the ones closest to our values.
As for the all the gas prices...we must make again good I am thankful for the ole rickety cheap on gas toyota that cuts my
gas bill in half while I leave the big ole gas guzzler in the carport each morning.

Anonymous said...

Jakey Jakey Jakey

I know i'm only 14 well almost 14 but i know enough to see who would be a good prez. And he dropped out! So second choice is McCain but his choice for vp is my choice for prez. I know this sounds mean but, I hope McCain dies in office and Palin becomes prez. But thats my opinion! Great post Jakey!!

Jean said...

Jacob...I have to comment on this because although I see your point on how you feel like we have all modified and I know that is frustrating and I will say that I had a TON of reservations about McCain and I, too wanted Romney to win; but that didn't happen and I, like your mom, feel like we have to make the choice for the one who most closely represents what we believe. I have PRAYED about this, believe me, and I know that voting for McCain/Palin is the right choice. I like the fact that Palin is going to balance McCain's ticket and I will say that over the last few months I have learned a lot more about McCain that has helped me to see more of what he went thru for our country and I have learned that he does have more character than I gave him credit for. This is only my opinion but my feelings have changed and I will support him and Palin. I am even going to a rally here on Friday for Elizabeth Dole and McCain. I am glad that you express how you feel....I think it is great that you have views and I support that so keep telling's what keeps us all thinking! I wish gas prices would come down...we need to learn how to make more of a difference for good! I need to pray about that too! Those are my thoughts!

Beth & Rob Bailey said...

Well, I can't do anything about gas prices and I 'writing in' a better choice for president on my ballot would be a wasted vote without at least half the country writing in the same person, but I CAN make a difference:
I can teach my children to be what they should be, in hopes that they grow up to be good citizens so we have 'more on our side'. I can limit 'extra trips' to the store to cut down on gas. I can use some green bags instead of grocery bags (since that plastic is made from oil too). I can support politicians (even flawed ones) that have good ideas and plans to decrease dependency on foreign oil. I can 'write my congressman' if I don't agree with how he votes - ok, I would have to pay attention to politics to be able to do that, but you get the point! We can't fix America, but we can make little changes and do little know where this is going - and little things from lots of people add up to big things. (Plus, one day Christ will come and He can 'fix' it all!) :)

jacob said...

So far, the intervening of Jesus has been the most logical idea on how to get things square. Thanks for your comments.

Libbi said...

Jakester...are you having anger management issues often or was this just random? p.s. I love your energy and I forgot howm much you are like DT!!!!!